Easy Projects - Fabric Napkins (Video)

I have been sewing a lot more recently. Which I love. I’m not the best at it, but I know enough to get by. Aside from sewing face coverings/masks, I wanted to come up with easy one day sewing projects. I discovered a big box of commercial fabrics I had in storage (which I thought I offloaded it all onto a friend). Fabric hoarding is real. So here’s my first project to share, super simple, affordable reusable fabric napkins.

Easy Projects - Fabric Napkins  Napkin in use post making of the video of course.

Easy Projects - Fabric Napkins Napkin in use post making of the video of course.

I have a thousands self critiques, but it has been a few years since I’ve made a craft video. There are more in store and I hope you’ll follow along and try some out.
