31 days of Spooky Season Movies and TV Shows 2020

Last year I shared my 2019 version of this list on my personal Instagram. It brought on some fun conversations about the listed movies. Also some roasting by my choice of selecting Halloween H20 (1998) as my Halloween Day movie. Hey, I know it was a weak choice but if I recall, we planned to do something last year. I didn’t want to commit to something big.

So in the year of the pandemic, I did add some movies that I have not seen yet alongside some of personal favorites. I tend to skip “family friendly” selections since I have leveled up in the parental status. All of my offspring are over 18. I also included the bonus mentions of a couple shows that I will have playing in the background while I work during the day.

TV shows:

There is. John and I watch the standard issued “Halloween/horror” films throughout the year so things like Beetlejuice, The Shining and the like classics didn’t get a place on my list.

So, let me know your judging thoughts and any recommendations that you think should be on the list.

Happy Spooky Season!
