About an inch around.

Whomever I come into contact with while I am working, they always stop and marvel how tiny the pieces of fabric are. 

The standard sizes that I cut my fabrics are either 2"x 2" or 1" x 1".  The typical cuts for my regular sized and my mini sized kanzashi.

Small Bamboo Leaves Clips

Small Bamboo Leaves Clips

It can be tedious work with the tiny delicate folds, but I equate it to knitting. I've done the repetitive motions for so long now, it is soothing and familiar. For the tiniest pieces I will often use tweezers to maneuver petals into position. The smaller they are, the harder they are to make. It is totally well worth it though!

Mini Kanzashi - Thea Starr
Thea Starr | Mini Kanzashi

Many of my tiny kanzashi sets become bridal gifts, flower girl hair pieces and even Blythe doll accessories. There are a few minis available in the shop right now with more on the way. I had hoped that I would have time to list them this week. But alas, my youngest had all of her wisdom teeth removed and requires a bit more assistance we thought. (Mom life!)

Thea Starr Mini Kanzashi YO.jpg

Happy Friday!
