Bah! I keep forgetting to update here!

Hello! I’m not sure why I can never remember paste links for my vlogs and other videos on YouTube. Is this why my daughter says I’m already senile?

Here’s last week’s vlog:

In the video above, I basically talk about the sewing adventure that I am on. I’m in deep guys. The fabric hoarder in me is raging and I’m swooping up all sorts of fabrics right now.
I’m also knocking off standing projects off of my to do list. One that both John and I were super excited about was this Custom Kitchen Nook Decor. I know that sounds a little weird and it kinda is, but also cool.

Lastly, for today the whole reason I logged on was to fix a color issue on my site. Thankfully one of my friend’s pointed it out to me when she placed an order. She’s totally getting extra swag as a thank you. Apologies to anyone who might have experienced that issue. I’m a fabric folder/hoarder not a web designer. :D

I hope all of you are safe. Here on the West Coast of the US, we’re basically on fire. The smoke is in the air and its rough. Man, this year is just - wow. Lots of virtual hugs and love my friends. - Thea