My Daughter's Birthday Gift - A Handmade Dress

I have a bit of catching up to do here.

First, I did complete The Vintage Fashion Challenge over on Instagram. I can’t believe I kept up with it. As you can tell here, I’m really not someone who is on the internet every day. It was fun and it does feel like a small kind of accomplishment.

Through the challenge, I learned what I “lacked” in my wardrobe and created to make lists and even some to repair lists. I have some great vintage pieces that I would’ve love to show during the challenge, but they needed some repairs or some fitting.

My eldest daughter in her birthday dress that I made.

I shared this on my daughter’s birthday for The Vintage Fashion Challenge on IG

Day 30 Love & appreciation.
How fitting that this prompt falls on my eldest daughter’s birthday.
We’re the less rich version of the Gilmore Girls (minus that weird last season and with three younger siblings.)
Teenage mom, raises a smart, witty, well read, beautiful person to adulthood. Weird hair, music, crafts and clothing phases included too.
I appreciate her for being a great sport along the way.

Her dress -
Fabric: Made from vintage 1960s Italian silk (it’s amazing).
Pattern: Butterick 6582 Retro 1960.
Alterations: You know I added pockets. I also made a stand alone slip rather than lining the skirt. I didn’t have enough fabric for a full lining, so I made an A-line slip skirt to go with it.

My dress-
Fabric: Vintage unbranded polyblend. Texture/weave is like kimono Ro fabric.
Pattern: Gertie‘s Night & Day bodice top with a simple gathered skirt. Snack pockets too of course.

Me and two of my kids,

And no picture is complete without a photobomb from a younger sibling.😂

I was honestly surprised how well the dress fit her without doing any fittings, I trusted the measurements I took a bit ago and hoped for the best. That vintage Italian silk is magnificent. Its absolutely luxurious and it seemed perfect for this project.

She loved it and was surprised.
