On Our Menu - Vegetable Pancit Bihon

This is an accompanying post to a video on my channel linked below. (Available May 19, 2020 12pm Pacific.)

I loathe big stories before the ingredients list when I am looking up a recipe. So, I’m going to give you the details right up front.

Basic recipe ingredients:

  • 1 8ounce package of Excellent Brand Rice Stick (We used 2 packages in this video.)

  • 2 carrots julienned

  • 1 medium yellow onion sliced

  • 4 cloves of garlic (at minimum) chopped (We used 8 cloves.)

  • 2 stalks of celery sliced

  • 1 cup of snow peas sliced

  • 2-3 cups of cabbage or bok choy sliced (We used bok choy.)

  • 2+ tablespoons of soy sauce (to taste)

  • 1 tablespoon of Filipino fish sauce (optional)

  • 1 small lemon sliced and seeded

  • Ground black pepper to taste

  • A neutral oil like canola for the pan.

  • Water if needed. (Traditionally, chicken stock is used.)

  • Optional but traditional (chicken, pork and shrimp) small bite sized pieces cooked after the onions and garlic. Or as Jina says in the video use leftover meat.

Basically follow the steps in the video and you’re good. This a very tasty easy side dish or meal to make.


  • If you cannot find the Excellent Brand of Noodles at the store or on Amazon like I can. Maifun rice stick noodles also can work.

  • Tamari. I get asked this a lot from my gluten free friends. Yes, you can substitute tamari for soy sauce.

  • Also, as stated in the video I cannot confirm whether or not if the noodles I used are gluten free or not so I will leave that up to you to discover.

“A person I know makes it differently.”

Ahh yes, that is one of the greatest joys in life isn’t it? We all add our own personal touches to dishes that make it ours. I personally have never tasted to lasagnas that are the same.

This is a tried and true version for us that I learned to make from my mom and stepmothers. (All of my stepmothers were Filipino too.)

Are you sure you’re Filipino? You don’t look like it. Also, should you be making a Filipino dish if you’re only “half”.

I have laughed in someone’s face when I was asked am I sure that I am Filipino. If you knew my mom, you’d know she’s undoubtedly my mother. I just happen to look like the other parent that created me.

I am proudly Filipino with a sprinkling of another Asian heritage. My children (who are a quarter Filipino with darker skin than I have) and I are white passing. Genetics are wild like that. However, as many biracial people will attest, we are whole people with blended heritages. This is my cultural experience and I get to claim it. Just like I get to claim my German heritage from my dad.

Left - Thea’s Mom. Right - Thea’s Lola (Grandma) 1970s.

Left - Thea’s Mom. Right - Thea’s Lola (Grandma) 1970s.

I did not have the “typical” white American childhood. My mom suffered from culture shock when she came to America and I witnessed a lot of that. I also went to school with “smelly” lunches and other “typical” “my mom is from another country and speaks another language” stuff.

My children have a Lola (tagalog for grandma) and got to experience very Filipino things too.

Like with many cultures, I, and now my adult children get to express their appreciation for our heritage through the dishes we make. Sharing a meal with your people, friends or family is the best way to show fellowship for a lack of a better term. If you’ve ever met a Filipino, you’d know there’s nothing more that we like to do. Share a meal, sing, dance and have togetherness. I am proud to share this little of togetherness with you.



31 days of Spooky Season Movies and TV Shows 2020

Last year I shared my 2019 version of this list on my personal Instagram. It brought on some fun conversations about the listed movies. Also some roasting by my choice of selecting Halloween H20 (1998) as my Halloween Day movie. Hey, I know it was a weak choice but if I recall, we planned to do something last year. I didn’t want to commit to something big.

So in the year of the pandemic, I did add some movies that I have not seen yet alongside some of personal favorites. I tend to skip “family friendly” selections since I have leveled up in the parental status. All of my offspring are over 18. I also included the bonus mentions of a couple shows that I will have playing in the background while I work during the day.

TV shows:

There is. John and I watch the standard issued “Halloween/horror” films throughout the year so things like Beetlejuice, The Shining and the like classics didn’t get a place on my list.

So, let me know your judging thoughts and any recommendations that you think should be on the list.

Happy Spooky Season!


My Dad's Birthday

When I was little, from around December 20th to January 2nd (at least) was a block of birthday/holiday celebrations. My birthday is December 25th and my dad’s was January 2nd. That timeframe was an excuse to do extra special stuff.

Today my dear old dad would’ve been 87. He was in his 40’s when I was born and passed away when I was in my 20s. I miss him dearly. He was my best friend - I was quite the daddy’s girl. (He raised me.)

I do a sort of ritual of his favorite meal for dinner and do something in his honor annually on this day. It has been evolving since 2004 when he passed. This year, I am spending the evening creating. I am working on an extra special personal project that requires a lot of design work from me. It’s a laser cutting project which I think he would’ve been excited for me to have a laser cutter. He was a very gifted mechanic (before and after his Navy career). You know when someone has a talent and they just shine and make it look so easy. That was him with any machine. I unfortunately did not inherit that gift from him as he had me working on small machines like lawnmowers or doing auto body work.

I usually wear aprons when I cook/bake. Apron (and most of my aprons was made by Kristine Ann.)

I usually wear aprons when I cook/bake. Apron (and most of my aprons was made by Kristine Ann.)

My dad and I. I was probably around 5 or 6 years old here and this was not an uncommon scene. Heavy machinery was this girl’s jam. I actually tried to start one of our backhoes up myself. I got it into neutral and my dad had to chase me.

My dad and I. I was probably around 5 or 6 years old here and this was not an uncommon scene. Heavy machinery was this girl’s jam. I actually tried to start one of our backhoes up myself. I got it into neutral and my dad had to chase me.

Thanks to him, from a young age I’ve been comfortable around various types of machines and mechanical gadgets. That has come in handy many times over in my life. From being a single mom having to do a quick car repair on my own to fixing a horribly over complicated office printer.

I currently have nothing to share with you about my current project. But I feel like working on something creative that will turn into a tangible thing is the best way to honor my dad today. He would’ve kicked my butt if I just moped around on days like this. :)


New Decade Day 1

Last night John and I were up really late researching movies from 20 years ago. It was weird to use because to us, 2000 doesn’t really feel that long ago.

December 2019 - Process shot of a custom piece for myself. It had been a long time since I created a piece for myself.

December 2019 - Process shot of a custom piece for myself. It had been a long time since I created a piece for myself.

I’m totally in the phase of life where everything is a blur. My children are grown. Big life events come at me like a freight train. Long gone are the days of routine and filling my days with planned snacks and naps. Although, I think John would enjoy that. But here we are, day one of a new decade. This year alone there are two big life events happening. My eldest is getting married. Then my youngest is graduating high school. We know how to start a decade off with a big bang.

December 2019 - Jina is 24, I figured it was time to get her the expensive dollhouse she’s always wanted. (Presents under the tree for 8 people and 2 dogs. + My birthday presents.) Photo edited with A Color Story - Cozy Filter.

December 2019 - Jina is 24, I figured it was time to get her the expensive dollhouse she’s always wanted. (Presents under the tree for 8 people and 2 dogs. + My birthday presents.) Photo edited with A Color Story - Cozy Filter.

Rolling back a minute, included in this post are photos from Christmas. Which also happens to be my birthday. I share many photos on my private IG, 6 by 6 and I’m just now getting back into the groove of sharing on my public account. I’ve long neglected this blog and my shop because of 6 by 6 . Last year we were able to hone in on some products and discontinue a few, which allowed us to streamline many things. It’s funny that even though I have experience with manufacturing with this company, I still made many of the same mistakes I did when I first started this in 2003.

December 2019 - My custom made kanzashi for my birthday.

December 2019 - My custom made kanzashi for my birthday.

December 25, 2019 Me on my birthday.Dress: VooDoo Vixen Purse: Little Rooms

December 25, 2019 Me on my birthday.

Dress: VooDoo Vixen Purse: Little Rooms

With all that said, I finally feel free to create a bit. I love January - also known as “Pajamuary” in the maker’s world. Post holiday rush I actually feel energized to work on things that I’ve shelved. It’s weird how much of a rollercoaster life can actually be. To complete the conversation from the first paragraph of this post, last night we settled on watching one of my favorite movies; Chocolat. Which I hope serves as a whimsical inspiration for me this month.

Happy New Year - New Decade!


I am 39 today.

Some call today Christmas, some call it Friday, I call it my birthday. I was born on December 25, 1976. Having a birthday on Christmas is quite frankly bullshit. One birthday/Christmas present, no birthday parties, no free dinners at restaurants. My personal favorite is getting carded and having that person exclaim “Oh you’re a Christmas baby!!!”, as if I didn’t know. I’ve lightened up about it over the years. Mostly.

My second birthday 12/25/1978

I, however do have quite the positive outlook on aging. 39 is the end of an era. A new decade accolade is on my horizon and I am quite excited about it. I have earned this. I have been filling up the chapters of my life, much of which is filled to the brim with experiences, both good and bad. That’s life right? The sweet and the sour, the smiles and the tears. Like many of you, I have been dealt the short end of the stick many times in life. Some were due to poor choices I’ve made, some were good fortunes that fell upon me. I have lived a lot of life in 39 years. I earned it all and wouldn’t want to be younger or older. I am content with my choices even those hard ones I made. They all make me, me. “If I knew then, what I know now…” I’d probably find a new and creative way to screw it up. I am curious willful human.

I know this time of the year is very difficult for some. We all have lost someone who made our lives worth living and special. For me, it’s my dad. Every day I think of him. He was the best. He was so funny, resourceful, loving and quite the animated character. Every day I miss him. He’s been gone 11 years and it still hurts, particularly on my birthday. I do not share a similar relationship with my mother. She and I are like fire and ice. Maybe I was born mad at her for giving me such a crappy birthday? Days like today are never the same when someone is missing. It’s different. At first it’s hard but as time goes on it becomes okay and the hole left in your heart doesn’t feel as bad.

Or perhaps you are simply just not content with your life and allow some negative thoughts in when you see others share their happiness. I feel you, I’ve been there too. I’m not one to share and commiserate about woes much. I choose to take it on and conquer the thing in my way. I take it in and let it out. When I was younger it used to be rage and destructive behavior. Now it’s probably just another dozen white hairs pushing out. Watching my dad die gave me insight on life. It’s now or never. Really. We all have some cause that motivates us or keeps us sedentary. Whatever it is for you, I hope you can conquer it and go forward. And never feel bad about aging; it’s what we’re supposed to do. We have an undisclosed expiration date.

I welcome you 39. Good or bad, you’re mine.

To those who celebrate it, Merry Christmas.



Normally, I avoid discussing two things with people in general - religion and politics. Two deeply personal and highly opinion filled things. Most people have a hard time even just considering that their opinion isn't always correct or lack the openness to allow an alternative consideration in. I am human as well and I fall victim to my own stubbornness every now and then. As I've aged I've tried to be more conscience of that. So I've waited 48hours to post this because I allowed myself to be angry over a politician's words. Which I consider to be ridiculous. It's a guy that basically has no effect on me, unless he becomes president. Quite frankly, I loathe election years because of the excessive banter about political stances. I try to only tune into those who are smart enough to address real issues rather than finger point at the "other guy". I am often completely shocked by the horrible things that are said. I have to pause and ask myself, what year is it? When I was young 2015 seemed so far away in the future I was sure that we'd be traveling by hover cars and living on other planets. Not talk about withholding someone's rights or criticize someone because of their race.

The trending hashtag #MyAsianAmercianStory started by a 15 year old high school student in California of course caught my attention. (If you're on Twitter I encourage you to check the hashtag out.) I am a 13th generation American and 1st generation Asian American. I am whole person with two entirely different backgrounds. Sometimes I was "too white" other times I was "too Asian". I could write a book on the odd events that happened due to my mom's culture shock and my dad's American ways. They are the best stories I share with my own children. They are reminders that we are here due to the exploration of our ancestors. Families from all backgrounds have their great origin stories. 

My parents and I - 1978

My parents and I - 1978

Maybe being a 13th and 1st generation American I have an unique view on America. My mom believed that this was the land of opportunity and abundance. She has worked harder than anyone I've ever met. Two or three jobs at a time pulling double shifts. Doing work others pass on. My dad served America for the majority of his life in the military as every paternal grandfather of mine did since we immigrated here from Ireland. This is melting pot of many. Diversity creates growth and acceptance. 

My point of this post is to remind others that we are in fact a great melting pot of a country. We can do great things as a nation and move forward rather than back. It's not about being politically correct either, it's about using politics to not put people down but to lift a nation up.

After all, we're just some folks sharing some space on a pale blue dot.

The type is small but the message is big. 

The type is small but the message is big. 
