Vlog, shop update and other gibberish.

First, my vlog about last week:

Nice thumbnail there eh? Yeah, so last week and my first online show was a bust. Whomp whomp. Of course that makes me nervous for other online shows. I’ve only committed to one with 6 by 6 so far because of the fear. However, instead of getting into Debbie Downer mode, I’m just going to sew a bunch of random things and be weird. Which is what I excel at.

In all seriousness, I just ride the life rollercoaster and hope for the best.

With the show out of the way, I can focus on other things now. Like listing.

Me in my fancy spiderweb blouse wearing four simply red kanzashi hair clips as you do.

Me in my fancy spiderweb blouse wearing four simply red kanzashi hair clips as you do.

First up is a classic : Simply Red Kanzashi Hair Clips. I usually end up with tons of vintage kimono red silk lining. So I’ve made versions of these clips for the entirety of my business. They are a vibrant red and classic. They are available in ye olde shop.

Then lastly, this is a bit odd for me but the vintage clothing purge has commenced and it’s happening over in my Etsy shop. Why not here you might ask? Well friends, you come here for hair doodads and bouquets and not random vintage clothes. People shop of vintage on Etsy and I’m legit trying to let go of these things. But in the off chance that you’d like to buy something from here and there, just let me know and I can make that happen for you.

That’s all from me for now. I hope you’re all well - as well as we can all be right now. Ride that rollercoaster homies. xo-Thea